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Shaped Dummy Cakes

» Shaped Foam
Polystyrene Cone (D11x32cmH)
Product ID FD-Cone2
PriceAU$ 7.43
In Stock 0
32cm high
Polystyrene Cone (D12x40cmH)
Product ID FD-Cone3
PriceAU$ 9.90
In Stock 0
40cm high
Small Foam Macaron Tower
Product ID FD-MAC1
PriceAU$ 33.00
In Stock 1
30cm High x 15cm Base
Medium Foam Macaron Tower
Product ID FD-MAC2
PriceAU$ 38.50
In Stock 2
35cm High x 18.75cm Base
Large Foam Macaron Tower
Product ID FD-MAC3
PriceAU$ 44.80
In Stock 2
48cm High x 25cm Base
18cm Wide Heart Foam 7.5cm Tall
Product ID FDH01
PriceAU$ 14.01
In Stock 4
7.5cm tall by 18cm wide
23cm Wide Heart Foam 7.5cm Tall
Product ID FDH02
PriceAU$ 15.27
In Stock 4
7.5cm tall by 23cm wide
28cm Heart Foam Dummy 7.5cm Tall
Product ID FDH03
PriceAU$ 16.63
In Stock 3
7.5cm tall by 28cm wide
33cm Wide Heart Foam 7.5cm Tall
Product ID FDH04
PriceAU$ 19.70
In Stock 9
7.5cm tall by 33cm wide
37.5cm Wide Heart Foam 7cm Tall
Product ID FDH05
PriceAU$ 19.70
In Stock 3
7cm tall by 37.5cm wide polystyrene Fake foam cake dummy
150mm Hexagonal Foam 7.5cm Tall
Product ID FDHEX1
PriceAU$ 10.91
In Stock 3
7.5cm tall. Single foam only, set pictured is example of possible usage.
20cm Hexagonal Foam 7.5cm Tall
Product ID FDHEX2
PriceAU$ 13.81
In Stock 1
7.5cm tall. Single foam only, set pictured is example of possible usage.
25cm Hexagonal Foam 7.5cm tall
Product ID FDHEX3
PriceAU$ 15.27
In Stock 1
7.5cm tall. Single foam only, set pictured is example of possible usage.
30cm Hexagonal Foam 7.5cm Tall
Product ID FDHEX4
PriceAU$ 18.12
In Stock 2
7.5cm tall. Single foam only, set pictured is example of possible usage.
#5 (350mm Hexagonal Foam Dummy
Product ID FDHEX5
PriceAU$ 9.90
In Stock 2
7cm tall. Single foam only, set pictured is example of possible usage.
#1 (175mm)Octagonal Foam Dummy
Product ID FDOCT1
PriceAU$ 5.12
In Stock 1
7cm tall. Single foam only, set pictured is example of possible usage.
#2 (225mm)Octagonal Foam Dummy
Product ID FDOCT2
PriceAU$ 6.82
In Stock 1
7cm tall. Single foam only, set pictured is example of possible usage.
#3 275mm Octagonal Foam Dummy
Product ID FDOCT3
PriceAU$ 7.32
In Stock 0
7cm tall. Single foam only, set pictured is example of possible usage.
#4 315mm Octagonal Foam Dummy
Product ID FDOCT4
PriceAU$ 9.13
In Stock 0
7cm tall. Single foam only, set pictured is example of possible usage.
#1 Oval (18x12cm) Foam Dummy
Product ID FDOV1
PriceAU$ 5.12
In Stock 1
7cm tall. Single foam only, set pictured is example of possible usage.
#2 Oval (235x185mm) Foam Dummy
Product ID FDOV2
PriceAU$ 6.00
In Stock 0
7cm tall. Single foam only, set pictured is example of possible usage.
#3 (28x21cm) Oval Foam Dummy
Product ID FDOV3
PriceAU$ 7.32
In Stock 0
7cm tall. Single foam only, set pictured is example of possible usage.
#4 Oval Foam Dummy (31cmx23cm)
Product ID FDOV4
PriceAU$ 9.13
In Stock 1
7cm tall. Single foam only, set pictured is example of possible usage.
#5 Oval Foam Dummy (37CM)
Product ID FDOV5
PriceAU$ 11.11
In Stock 0
7cm tall. Single foam only, set pictured is example of possible usage.
40mm Polystyrene Foam Ball
Product ID FD-Ball0
PriceAU$ 0.66
In Stock 134

60mm Polystyrene Foam Ball
Product ID FD-Ball1
PriceAU$ 0.66
In Stock 32

78mm Polystyrene Foam Ball
Product ID FD-Ball2
PriceAU$ 0.99
In Stock 6

100mm Polystyrene Foam Ball
Product ID FD-Ball4
PriceAU$ 2.45
In Stock 20

120mm Polystyrene Foam Ball
Product ID FD-Ball5
PriceAU$ 4.90
In Stock 13

150mm Polystyrene Foam Ball
Product ID FD-Ball6
PriceAU$ 8.66
In Stock 7

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